The world has changed

minimalist list of links
Screencap of my original hand-coded LOTR silliness site

I started this website all the way back in 2006, when I was captivated by the Lord of the Rings film trilogy and all the wonderful fan art inspired by it. Hence the domain name, “LOTR silliness.” The website was also my first attempt at website-building. Although simply hand-coded in HTML and CSS, it was thrilling to learn this new skill and watch it come to life online.

Although I never got around to posting as much original content as I’d hoped, and unfortunately some of my carefully-chosen links are now defunct, I left the site up as a connection to my own fond memories of that time and for the historical record. 

Was it really 13 years ago when I won a talent contest with my original song, “I Would Be A Wood Elf Myself”? And when I was enjoying these Lord of the Rings fan-art links? The internet seemed a smaller and friendlier place back then.

I still enjoy hand coding (and simple, old-school style sites), but it’s unwieldy for adding content at the pace and style people expect nowadays. So today I’m migrating everything over to WordPress, removing dead links, and otherwise upgrading the site to modern standards. Going forward, I’ll also be writing about topics other than Tolkien.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the new look and direction of the site.